- Demonstrates a high level of technical proficiency.
- Demonstrates an understanding of business issues relating to complex transactions.
- Works and communicates effectively with staff and clients to enhance their understanding of business and tax issues.
- Demonstrates an awareness of Firm software packages and the ability to use such software effectively.
- Motivates subordinates to take full advantage of computer technology.
- Demonstrates effective oral communication skills through formal presentations, training sessions, speeches, etc.
- Skilled at preparing complex client correspondence including recommendations, technical issues, proposals, etc.
- Demonstrates an awareness of current business developments and the ability to determine the impact to a client’s business.
- Demonstrates an understanding of recent tax developments and their implications to a client’s business.
- Develops a high level of expertise in one or more specialized industry areas, but is still able to perform very effectively as a “generalist”.
- Demonstrates an ability to research complex tax issues and/or direct the research activities of other staff.
- Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the client’s business that extends beyond tax-related aspects.
- Develops and maintains strong business relationships with individual clients and appropriate financial officers.
- Identifies issues and recommends creative solutions to complex client issues.
- Organizes work schedule in a manner that ensures timely and priority-sensitive services to clients.
- Effectively identifies and delivers cross-selling opportunities to our clients.
- Motivates staff through professional and technical reputation and enthusiasm.
- Effectively and appropriately delegates assignments to foster an environment of mentoring and teamwork.
- Coaches and develops the staff’s understanding of our business and the business world in general.
- Provides staff with honest, objective and constructive feedback in a timely manner.
- Is accessible to staff as a sounding board for concerns and questions.
- Proactively involved in the recruitment of new and experienced staff, through referrals and interviewing.
- Instructs and facilitates both internal and external training.
- Serves as a role model and coach for staff.
- Balances personal and professional goals and encourages others to do so as well.
- Participates in, and thoroughly documents, the formal review/evaluation process with staff in a timely and effective manner.
- Functions as a manager, rather than as an employee.
- Recognizes problems, assesses alternatives, and recommends solutions.
- Monitors and efficiently controls all time spent on a project.
- Effectively participates in the billing and collection process.
- Identifies and implements value-added billing opportunities.
- Closely manages individual productivity (realization, chargeability, etc).
- Seeks opportunities to provide additional services to clients, and pursues those opportunities.
- Identifies cross-selling opportunities, and follows up leads with appropriate client personnel.
- Actively participates in business development efforts.
- Seeks opportunities to provide new and innovative products and services to clients, and demonstrates the ability to develop such products.
- Effectively retains Firm clients.
- Displays the attributes of an “Ambassador for the Firm”.
- Seeks leadership roles in professional and community organizations.
- Establishes and maintains a network of professional relationships with clients and non-clients.
- Displays executive presence, business acumen, and professionalism.
- Exhibits effective communication and listening skills.
- Consistently makes administrative decisions under pressure.